
Why is Kamagra illegal?

Kingdom, primarily because it has not received approval from regulatory bodies such as the FDA and MHRA. These agencies ensure that medications are safe, effective, and of high quality before they can be legally sold. Kamagra contains sildenafil citrate, the same active ingredient found in Viagra, but it has not undergone the rigorous testing and regulatory review required to confirm its safety and efficacy. Without this approval, there is no guarantee that Kamagra is produced to the same standards as legally sanctioned drugs, which raises concerns about its purity, the accuracy of its dosage, and the presence of unlisted and potentially harmful ingredients. The sale and purchase of unapproved drugs like Kamagra not only pose significant health risks but also circumvent the legal processes intended to protect public health, leading to its illegal status in these jurisdictions. Individuals seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction are advised to consult with healthcare professionals who can prescribe approved treatments that provide safety and efficacy based on robust regulatory standards.

 Get more info and Kamagra online purchase, visit - ✔️ Official KAMAGRA Website 